
Friday 20 September 2013

VOM prayer watch

"Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering." Hebrews 13:3


Christian Convert Imprisoned for Evangelising

On 28 August, police raided the home of Mohamed el Baldi confiscating his Bible and about 30 additional Christian books. He was arrested and interrogated by police and later sentenced to two-and-a-half years in prison for evangelising Muslims. Read more

Prayer Points

• Pray that Mohamed will be spiritually strengthened and encouraged while in prison.
• May the Holy Spirit also work in the lives of the judges and lawmakers associated with the Moroccan legislative and judicial systems so religious freedom and justice may be granted to the followers of Christ.
• Pray for God's protection and blessing upon the fellowship of Christians in Morocco, including those believers who've recently had their identities exposed as a result of this case.


Christians Murdered for Refusing to Pay Muslim Tax

Two Coptic Christians were shot dead last week for refusing to pay Jizya, a tax imposed on Christians by Muslim Brotherhood gangs. A gang leader contacted the men and demanded money to buy weapons, they refused. A couple of days later the gang surprised the two Copts by going to their home and showering them with bullets. Read more

Prayer Points

• Pray authorities in Egypt will do all things possible to bring peace, order and justice to Coptic communities.
• Pray the Lord will protect His children throughout the nation. Pray for those who are grieving, injured and fearful.
• Pray the Lord will build His church during this time of unrest.


Christians Fined for Illegally Using Religious Literature

In two separate cases on the same day in August, 20 believers were fined for illegally using religious literature. The fines totalled the equivalent of nearly 68 years official minimum wage. The Uzbek authorities have stated that “religious books are only allowed to be read within registered religious communities’ buildings.”  Read more

Prayer Points

• Please pray Christians in Uzbekistan will not be discouraged but will continue to treasure the Word of God.
• Pray the Lord will grow His church in number and faithfulness in spite of man’s attempt to suppress it.
• Pray the Lord will uphold and strengthen the faith of Christians involved in this case.would be cleared of any wrongdoing.
•  Pray the Lord will pour out His Spirit on Algeria so many may know Him. 

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